To Stream or to Batch?

Guest Feature by Dale L. Oldham

I'll mirror Malcolm Gladwell and write about the obvious. Clearly Mr. Gladwell isn't accountable for my resentment over his success, because countless textbooks have likewise stated the obvious, but that gentleman has become famous and rich just because he can label indisputable phenomena (give me a break: "tipping point"??), provide countless supporting examples, entertain me and leave me seething that he wrote it before I did.

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Customer Service – good, bad and – well, uh - weird!

Recently I was cleaning out old – really, really old – files on my computer, the kind that, had they been food, would now be covered with mold and crawling with bugs. Old files! And I came across this story I wrote – oh, probably 12 or 13 years ago. I never did anything with it; maybe I wrote it just to vent. Who knows? It’s a pretty good story, though, so I want to share it with you. Pretty unbelievable, actually. It’s about customer service gone very, very wrong. 

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Your Resume - the very first section

We’ve said we don’t recommend that you create your own resume. As our friend who is a  licensed mental health counselor, often says, “You are in the worst possible position to understand and appreciate your own value.” That said, you might be determined to do it yourself, and that means you’ll have to create the very first section. It might be the only section of your resume that is ever read.

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